Friday, November 18, 2011

I am SO sick of cop-bashing.

Bashing in general, but cop-bashing in particular.

Not there aren't less-than-great ones, or that I love it when they follow me down the road. But all this Occupy stuff has me sick of "bad cop" stories, particularly after hearing Occupy Portland's sniveling, whining, spoiled brat garbage. These officers are working a lot of hours and having to waste precious time on Occupiers' crap, when they should be out serving the REAL 99%.

I had more sympathy for the Occupy protesters earlier on. Then they started holding press conferences. They are among the snottiest and most deluded people I've ever seen. And I have teenagers!

Fisher Cutbait


Jill said...

Officers are part of the 99% too, stupid occupiers forget that. Plus, when you urinate on the hot dog vendors cart because he won't feed you for free, and shove old ladies down flights of stairs, I have no sympathy for you or your cause any more.

My brother is a cop. I work for the PD in a civilian position. I respect cops like crazy. I know that there are some shady ones who over-react or over-exert their power, but most of them are just doing their job, which is dangerous, unselfish, and heroic.

I'm sick of the cop bashing too. I'd like to see a little more hippy bashing.

Sketchy said...

Yeah, I'm debating whether or not to post on the stupid cops pepper spraying the protester photos something along the lines of "another example of why it's a good idea to MOVE when a police officer says you should MOVE."