Saturday, February 11, 2012

General Information

This week took suckiness to the extreme. But that isn't what I want to discuss. Tonight is about the sharing of philosophies and coping tactics.

This morning I was beyond upset. It's been a while since I came that unglued. I was completely gone.

As I dried up, I decided I must allow myself to think only three thoughts. Three thoughts kept me going:
1. "Love Mr. Cutbait and the babies."
2. "We just have to put our heads down and power through." (Michael Bluth, Arrested Development)
3. "If they don't love it, they can shove it! Frankly I don't care." (Gilda Radner)

I also allowed my brain DJ to play only one song, which was "Bridge Over Troubled Water". (shut up)

And it worked. It was amazing. Whenever I was reminded of some old or new sucky situation, I chose one of those three thoughts to get me through it, and at least one would be pertinent and comforting.

So there's that. I wanted to write this down in case I have to use it again.

Also of note: If you're a friend and you're unhappily married, I would ask you to please talk to someone who can help you and your spouse.

I am not that person.

(This is from an experience that started off as a harmless, "I feel sad about this, this and this situation in my marriage" and has turned into something I feel entirely skeevy for becoming involved with. Don't worry, it's nothing gossip- or bishop-worthy, but for some reason people feel comfortable talking to me about their marital stuff and I'm just going to have to put my foot down from now on. I'm sure you've probably been there.)

(If you haven't, don't tell me)

Having lived and learned,
Fisher Cutbait


Heffalump said...

Bridge Over Troubled Water...such a classic!

Elizabeth-W said...

I just like the word skeevy. :)
And I really like the mantras. Very good.

Sketchy said...

Gilda Radner!!!!

Sorry about the skeeve. You know, in general. I'm pretty sure it wasn't me, right?

Fisher Cutbait said...

Heff, you know it! Sad, the pop songs we rely on in times of need. I should come up with something just as comforting but more hip.

E-dub, the movie Juno reiterated the awesomeness of the word skeevy to me...once it came out of her dad's mouth I knew it must rejoin my vocabulary :)

I'm glad you like the mantras. I wondered what you would think of them ;)

Sketch, have you divulged any marital ugliness lately? I didn't (and don't) think you and T are capable of the garbage I've had to hear about. Seriously dysfunctional. I discussed it with Mr. Cutbait and he was aghast with me. I don't think (at least I hope) this person will be sharing with me anymore, though.